

This is the moment
she re-
discovers her sadness:

moons that caved in,
touchstones marooned
in her mind.

She marks all as red
as the wounds she wore
out in the mirror—

gasping through
mouthfuls of harm.

Whisper of once-was
lingering yet
in her fingertips,

she dreams con brio,
bravura, codetta,



Revisionist History

We can’t go back,
but there is this:
We can look back. 

It has more do

with longing than love,
is more about
a place I can’t access
than something missing.

It’s only the urge

to hold you
I can’t shake.



On the Approach of her Twenty-Ninth Birthday

How old were we
in the flood?
She counts the correlations
now, rising water,
arriving birds.
Hinged on a pigeon
that floated like a duck
in the tub, insistent on doing
everything she did.
The future fans before her
like a spread wing,
each year a flight,
each anomaly the hopeful
promise of success.
The present still
a handful of feathers,




Now, I sense all that’s left:
the way you pulled through me
like a fine thread through cotton,
buried yourself in me
like the knot beneath the weave.
No one can see, but running a hand
over my surface
                         I can feel you there.
Holding tight.




Miss is not the verb:
that I carry something
of you in me
is the important part.
Moments I would
have never left
more sacred for
the not remembering.
All points of contact
crumble, leaving
a breadcrumb trail;
dark birds wait to feast
on our sweet sorrow.
